International Women’s Day 2018

7 Mar 2018
International Women’s Day 2018

Today we celebrate all of our strong confident women working in every unit of our organisation across the world – Dublin, Dubai, Amman, Bangalore, Moscow, Johannesburg and Perth – for the continued contribution each one of us make to help CR2 be the great success it is today.

We are also very proud that our digital banking software has a positive impact in empowering and improving the daily lives of women and their families worldwide. In many markets, women disproportionately face financial access barriers that prevent them from participating in the economy and from improving their lives. Although we still have some way to go to close the financial access gender gap worldwide, we are helping its progress.

Our digital banking touchpoints are breaking down financial access barriers and enabling women to participate in the economy through a range of initiatives driven by our customers – comprising regional, national, and global banks.

Our customers offer financial products aimed at providing financial freedom for women; special accounts dedicated for women to encourage saving and financial security and encouraging access to loans to set up their own business. CR2 assists in providing access to these products via key digital touchpoints – ATM, Mobile and Internet. There is no doubt that providing access to these financial services as well as wider banking services, including digital payments, means that we are improving women’s ability to contribute to their economy, provide access to education for themselves and their children and help climb out of poverty.

We look forward to narrowing the gap in 2018.